Rainbow’s End



(Yashica 108, Delta 100, Rodinal 1+50)


About Stephen G. Hipperson

This entry was posted in 35mm, Architecture, Black and White, Black and White Photography, Film, Film Photography, Mono and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Rainbow’s End

  1. lazycoffees says:

    I was most interested to find that someone is still taking photos with an old-style folding camera. The results are certainly worth it. Your photos from all your sites are beautiful. What it is to have an artist’s eye. Thanks for stopping by my blog. My approach is much more mundane, colleciting photos which record a family history. I’m wondering if you develop and print your own films. I did that when young but gave up when colour photography came in !! boundforoz.wordpress.com

    • Hi ‘lazycoffees’!
      Thank you for your kind compliments.
      I would point out that not all the posts on my ‘foldingup’ blog are with folders, though they are all film based. All of my film shots are using black and white film, which I then develop myself, scanning the results for subsequent printing/blogging – at some time in the future I hope to print using an enlarger etc, but I’m a little wary of that because of the ‘anti-relationship’ nature of darkroom work – at least with Photoshop I can stop when I like and ‘come when I’m called’!
      Photographs are some of the most precious things we have – so I can understand why they are so collectable. And, from the photographer’s perspective, they act as a personal diary, our view of the world as we live our lives, our ‘personalty’ recorded instead of our image. 🙂

I welcome all comments.