Let Battle Commence

This is the start of a specific project I’ve decided to engage in, in which I will use classic folding cameras.  For specific details please refer to the pages, About and Cameras.


Well, I’ve got my film and developer, and sorted out something to carry my two cameras in – with an exposure meter too.

Essentially, my project was inspired by some work I did with pinhole cameras and my interest in working with medium format film.  To give an idea of the pinhole work, I’ve added a few images below.  All taken with my Rollei SL66 medium format (MF) camera as the base with a gizzmo I constructed from ink-jet photo-paper, cardboard and a discarded aluminium food container.

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These are straight negative scans, simply adjusted for levels and contrast, which is why you’ll notice negative edge in places.

So – I’ve done the pinhole thing, and I’ve taken shots with my Rollei SL66 which provides images that are nice and sharp, but what about somewhere between?  Are they practical for street photography – although pretty obvious in use, will they tend to be more of a novelty rather than an intrusive imposition?  Don’t know.  I will see.


About Stephen G. Hipperson

This entry was posted in Black and White, Classic Camera, Film, Film Photography, Folding Camera, Lensless, Medium Format, Pinhole, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Let Battle Commence

  1. Love the first pictures! Exciting to see them. Brings back memories of my old darkroom and the excitement of watching what comes up!

  2. Nil says:

    I really am looking forward to this… and yes, at times I wish I could take my darkroom out of its trunk too… Would have to build a new room for it, though 🙂

  3. I love pinhole images… despite my complete lack of success creating anything anywhere near this nice myself!

  4. aidaweb101 says:

    Good luck!
    Great photos!